Saturday, June 4, 2016

My Lesson Practice-Horrible!

We did a presenting practice on Friday, and to organize my (or our) practice with one word, it was HORRIBLE. I can't even pick one thing that went well. But to choose really really small thing, it was when everyone looked at me when I clapped five times. I think I should use it again on the actual practice. To choose things that didn't go well, there are loooooooooots of things. First, the TV didn't work. We prepared 'See, Think, Wonder' thinking routine, and it took so much time to show each person the picture! That is not my present biggest worry. The most serious problem is that our presentation was boring! Well, part of it is because the most boring part took so much time, but my presentation plan was also boring. Boring, boring, BORING! I'm still thinking of what can make our presentation fun.
P.S: I don't see why I have to put something for audiences to move around in the room. Yes, it might be fun, but events that people can do while they're sitting is also fun too. And to express our idea really well, there is nothing better than words!

Photo: ('The Scream' of Edvard Munch)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Staying in School for Extra 4 and a Half Hours

Today, I stayed in school after 3:30 because I had to Ensemble with others. When the ensemble practice was finished, I went to Visual Art class to work on 2D display with Christine and Yeeun. I stayed until about 8 o'clock, and I finished about twice of what we have done until now. After working so hard, I feel really proud of myself. I still have to do some work tomorrow after school, but now I'm a bit relieved than yesterday. I hope I can finish everything tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Yesterday, I had many many things, including homework, to finish until today. But maybe about 5 o'clock, I felt really tired and exhausted and sleepy (I don't know why) and I just collapsed on the bed. When I woke up, it was today morning! I couldn't finish Korean homework, blog and forgot to plug macbook charger! That's why I'm posting this writing today. I think I'm crazy... How can I sleep on the day when I have so many things to do?!


Monday, May 30, 2016

Negative and Positive

If I think of our group's progress of Visual Art, there are both negative and positive way. First, if I think of it in negative way, then I think it's too little amount of progress. Now we have only 4 days to finish, but we only have about 22% of display is done. It only increases my worries, stresses and also make me to feel tired and nervous. However, if I think that we've made lot more progress than others, then it makes me to feel better, because it reminds me that we're not behind. I think this is the difference between positive thinking and negative thinking.


Sunday, May 29, 2016

My Incredible Sister

            After feeling all the stresses of Exhibition, I can finally understand my older sister's eyes that looked me like I'm crazy when I said 'I'm so excited about Exhibition!' when I was in Grade 4. I might have behaved the same if I had a younger sister who said something like that. Since I started talking about my sister, this time, I'll talk about my sister(I can't tell you that I don't have anything to write).
             My sister's brain seemed empty, because she just said "I don't know,", "How do I know?" or "Well..." when I asked something. But so far, I feel like my sister is cool, awesome and even incredible. In my point of view, she looked perfectly fine during Exhibition (though my mom says that she was tremendously stressed, too,) and also STEM fair, which is something similar to Exhibition in Middle School. And it also seemed like she even had lots of spare time, because she read some comic books, played with me and did all sort of other things.
             Anyway, the conclusion is that her brain seemed empty but now she looks incredible after knowing the stresses that Exhibition gives. So I don't want to accept, but I think it's true that she's awesome.

P.S: To my sister- I'm sorry if this post offended you.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Plan for Last 1 Week

Since we only have 1 week to finish all the things related to Exhibition, here is the list for me to finish before next Friday(June 3rd):
  • Drama/Music
  • Art 2D/3D Design
  • Essay
  • Script
  • Presentation Plan
  • Action(We finished it today)
  • etc.
And think, you should finish this in one week! So I'm going to finish my essay in my house(because it can be done in 2 hours or 2 and a half hours), simplify the script as much as you can like a process guide, record the drama (skit) piece in recess, organize the presentation plan by schedule line during weekend and share it on Monday with Suyeon, and finally try my best to take a lot of time for Visual art. (For 'etc.', of course I'll work on it in my house. Also, don't ask 'What's 'etc.'?' Because I don't know, too.) Even though I have this plan, I don't think this will actually work. Maybe not enough time. I wish, desperately, there is just a week more to work on Exhibition. Not a month, not a year, just 7 days! I can't believe that we once played in Exhibition time because we didn't know what to do. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New Knowledge

I've been attending BHA for 3 and a (almost) half years, and one thing that is still challenging for me is... printer. No matter how many times I learn, whom I learn it from or what way I learn it, I kept forgetting and forgetting about 'How To Print'. It didn't even pass one month after the day when I finally mastered how to print a simple A4 design from the school's printing machine. But today, I had to face different problem. it had to be bigger:which means I had to print it on A3 paper. I tried;but it ended up with disappointment, because the image was still in the size of A4 even though the paper was A3. But now I know how to print designs in size of A3. You can change 'A4' into 'A3' where it says 'paper size' and check in the box which says 'fit to scale'. Then print!!! I hope there are lots to do with this knowledge.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016


If I have to choose one word that will describe today the most, I will choose the word 'weird'. Did you have any moment that you worked sooooo hard but can't think of anything you achieved? You certainly have the memory of working really hard, but you have no idea about what you did. That's what I experienced today. Really, I was exhausted after Exhibition time, my brain was tired, and I have no memory of doing some other things that are not related to Exhibition, but I can't remember what I did! Yes... I remember that I searched images to insert in iMovie... but I can't remember anything else. That doesn't make sense if I spent 1 hour and 20 minutes only searching images! Do you have any solution for this?

P.S: The Action Assembly went well. I didn't use script, so I was a bit flustered, but that's okay.


Monday, May 23, 2016

A Busy Week

This week, week 7, will be an extremely busy week. Do you know why? It's because we have to create iMovie(action), write essay and have to prepare for assembly. Fortunately, assembly is tomorrow, so I wouldn't have to worry about it for Wednesday to Friday. Creating iMovie and writing essay wouldn't sound so hard, but think about how much time do we have for Exhibition and how much each of them would take. Finishing iMovie in 3 days(Because today is already gone and we it should be completed when we go to school on Friday) is hard enough, but we have to write essay, too! Plus, I strongly think that tomorrow will be spent on practicing Action Assembly. Aaaaarrrrrrggggggg, we wouldn't have spare time this week.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition-Again after Again

           You know what usually comes on Friday, right? If what you think the answer is right, it should be this:

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition

What will discussion sound like in Grade 5?
  • We will use English in our groups UNLESS we need to translate the meaning of a word or phrase that needs clarification or elaboration.
  • Then we will remember to switch back to English once we have clarified or elaborated our ideas.
  • In partners, we will use English.
  • When we are thinking solo we can use either English or Korean/Chinese.
  • In teams, we will use English for all conversation unless we are clarifying the meaning of something.

Weekly self-assessment for language usage (Put an X next to your answer.)
This week I was able to use English and Korean/Chinese as per the class expectations.
  • Yes
  • Mostly X
  • Not always
The part that was most difficult for me to do was:
  • Class discussion
  • Teams in English
  • Pairs in English X
  • Solo in English
  • Switch back after using Korean/Chinese
Strategies I used this week:
  • I used Korean/Chinese when I:
    • Asked a question X
    • Expressed an idea X
    • Clarified a word X
    • Clarified a phrase X
    • Elaborated my ideas X
    • Took notes X
    • Worked in a team X
    • Worked in a pair X
    • Worked alone
    • Joked around X
    • Had social conversation X
  • I used English when I:
    • Asked a question X
    • Expressed an idea X
    • Clarified a word
    • Clarified a phrase
    • Elaborated my ideas X
    • Took notes
    • Worked in a team X
    • Worked in a pair
    • Worked alone
    • Joked around X
    • Had social conversation

This week I am most proud of:
I'm most proud of how I managed to understand 98% of what others are talking about in English.
Next week my goal is:
My goal for next week is to find the definition of English words that I don't know, so that my vocabulary skills get developed.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Then, how should WE make our presentation like?

           Yesterday, I talked about the good example for fun, informative lesson. Also, I wrote about what should our presentation be like. Today, I'm going to focus on what our presentation look like. If I organize the elements that our presentation should have (according to what I said yesterday), it's like this:

  • We should let the audiences do some activities, not just letting them to listen to what we say.
  • Audiences should feel the same emotion of different perspectives toward the topic.
  • We should explain the informations in fun and interesting way, not in boring way (was not in the yesterday blog)
            What I'm going to do in today's blog is explaining you about specifically 'how' we're gonna follow that list. We, Suyeon and I, didn't decide this yet, so these are just my idea:
For the first one, I'm thinking of preparing some kind of quiz or game at the end of the lesson to check whether the audiences listened carefully or not.
             Second, maybe we can give each person a piece of writing that explains different perspectives (parents, teachers and children) and induce them to agree on the perspective that they read. Then, let audiences make groups of 3 who have different perspectives (so there should be no same perspective in one group) and share their idea about the perspective that they chose.
             Last, I think we can include some jokes, question, details and good transition(?) words between informations in script, so that audiences could agree, understand, and participate well. But the most important thing, I believe, is the voice! (Look at 'How am I Doing?' to learn about what the good voice is like.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Interactive Lesson that I've Seen Before

              The another important thing in Exhibition other than researching is presenting. Think, even though you and your group had researched so many things and got so many informations, would it be successful to empathize with audiences and let them enjoy learning about the informations if you present it sooooooooo boring? Yeah, probably not. So the presentation should not be boring, just telling the informations, but should let people to enjoy it. The best example of good, not boring, and enjoyable lesson was the one I've experienced in Grade 4, last year.
              When my Grade 4 teacher, Mrs. Park did the lesson I'm talking about, we were just starting to learn about the social strata(I can't remember the word!) of Medieval Europe.  It was some kind of simulation;each students pick one paper that says one of the stratum randomly and pretending like they're real peasant, queen, pope, bishop, or whatever they picked. The reason why I chose this lesson for the best example is because I could understand about the topic and the different points of view of the topic easier, have fun and enjoy learning about them.
               If I think of what elements made that lesson fun, enjoyable and easier to understand, then I guess it's because teachers let us to do some activities, not just hearing what they explain, and also let us experience the real emotions of the perspectives toward the topic. I think letting the audiences to experience something is more effective for them to understand the topic than just explaining the informations.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How am I Doing?

Do you remember the 'Compass Points' reflection? Just in case you don't remember, here is the picture:
Now, you're probably asking: 'Then what is the subject?'. Well, I'm going to choose my North, West and East from this list below:
  • Daily blogs
  • Action assembly item
  • Music/Dance/Drama item
  • Research and note taking
  • Field Trips
  • Action planning
  • Action&Taking action
  • 2D/3D Art design
  • Plan for presenting the Exhibition lesson
  • Mentor meetings and communication
  • Presenting the Exhibition
First, I need to know more about 'Action Assembly Item'. I have the main idea that Action Assembly is when we, Grade 5, present our action plan or explaining about the action they're already taking, but I don't know what the word 'item' is for. Also, I need to know more about the word 'plan', too. What specifically in the plan?
Second, what I'm worried about is field trips and action taking. What if they go wrong? What if we can't get informations what we wanted? What if there are big problems when we're doing it? These questions go together and create a humongous concern. I hope we can manage it.
Last, I'm really really really excited about presenting on June 10th! The idea that came into my mind at first when I saw last year fifth&sixth graders' Exhibition was not about research, not about stresses, not about field trip, action, blog, poster or whatever, but was about the voices and words. I thought, hearing their small, tiny voices, 'I would never read the scripts like them. I will speak in loud, clear voices and expressive.' Also, their script was like list of the informations, not actually explaining them.
For overall reflection about our progress making, I think we're pretty good, because we're not behind of the weekly checklists, and in some parts, we're ahead.

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Present Spaces

Today in school, we were focused on the presenting spaces. Not only presenting space, but how are we going to present. Suyeon and I decided to decorate our room like a real academy, using white boards, desks and chairs. I don't know whether we need TV or not, but I guess we'll need it. I decided to use a dark color scheme, to express boring and sort of desolate(?) academies. For presenting ways, we don't have very much idea about how it'll look like, how it'll go on, and etc. (Actually, my brain turned off when we were thinking about ways to present.) There are many ways: Kahoot, quiz, worksheet, posters, videos... but the problem is 'what will be the most appropriate way to tell the audience our Central Idea and Lines of Inquiries'. I hope we have some good result tomorrow!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Upcoming Field Trip

Thursday and Friday of the following week are the days when Suyeon and I go on field trips. (Well, we decided to divide the day when we go field trip, because it's too complicated to visit all the academies on one day.) When we were told that there would be field trip upcoming until now(before Exhibition), I was excited. But this time, it's a bit different. I'm a bit... worried than feeling excited. I am worried about how field trip would be like, whether we're going to get the informations that we wanted or not, would I be able to manage the field trip, and etc. Actually, I'm stressed. (Don't know why!) I suddenly feel tired when I think of Exhibition field trip, action... well, anything related to Exhibition. Even though I say to myself 'It'll be fine, everything will be under your control.' over and over, I'm still nervous. Why is it so different from the field trips that teachers prepared for us?


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

No Time!

About a month later, we'll be presenting our work during Exhibition. 1 month, Grade 6 and 7 says, is too short time for students to finish Exhibition. That's enough for us to suffer, but even worse, every Friday is the day that we can't work on Exhibition. There's also Transition Day, when we have to spend whole day to learn about middle school, assembly planning and practicing day and conference, which is tomorrow. Maybe, it's enough for Suyeon and me (because we have 80% of research and field trip plan is done-not showing off), but I can't understand some of the classmates who are chatting, watching some videos or whatever during Exhibition time. Do they even know that we don't have enough time? This is not for me to care about, but I just got lesson that I shouldn't be like them.

P.S: It's so unfair to give 2~3 months for last year Grade 5s and to give only 1 month for us for Exhibition!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Who Do You Think You Are? #2

It feels like it's so long ago when I wrote blog last, though I wrote it yesterday.(I don't know why!) Anyway, do you remember the blob tree? For those of you who can't remember, here is the picture.
Last time, I wrote that I was the one who's putting arms around each others' shoulder. This time, it changed a bit. I mean, I'm still alike that one, but I'm more like this: the one on the almost top of the tree, waving hand. Our group is a bit ahead than others; we finished action plan, field trip plan and 80% of the research. But if there was a person who was trying to go up at the top (not ALMOST top) though they are, then I would have chosen it because Suyeon and I are working really hard to try our best.


Monday, May 9, 2016

My Schedule

My schedule for next few weeks:

  • Our first field trip (to Jeju city) is on May 19th.
  • Our second field trip (to Seogwipo City) is on May 20th.
  • We planned to take action on May 27th.
  • We should make i-Movie from May 23rd to 26th.
  • Our permission and proposal form should be returned until May 11th, this Wednesday.
  • We have Transition Day and assembly on May 17th.
  • We should spend time to plan assembly on May 16th.
  • We don't have really much time on every Fridays;there are so many special classes.
  • June 3rd is the last day we can go on a field trip.
  • June 10th is the day we should present.
  • On May 19th, we should start essay and finish research.

P.S: I made it in Google Slides and inserted it.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Goals for the Field Trip

During PYP Exhibition, students can go on a (or more) field trip that they planned by themselves. Field trip is optional;if you don't want to go on any field trips, that's fine, too. For our group, KAI, I think field trip is necessary because we have lots of informations to find throughout field trip. 'What am I planning to find out?'. That's my topic for today's blog.
The place we're planning to visit on field trip is academies (Hagwons) in Jeju City and around here. If you ask, 'Why do you visit two places? You can just go to the academies around here, not the Jeju city.', that's because we thought it would be better to observe two places and compare them. Since many international schools are around here, where our school is, the academies are also influenced by foreign education styles, so it's likely for them to be quite different from the typical Korean academies, where students learn by rote (I don't know whether this is a right word for it, but according to many TV shows and sources, almost every schools and academies in Korea let students to just 'memorize' something, not understanding it deeply). So we're going to find out the differences between Korea's education style and foreign education style by comparing academies. We're hoping to go on a field trip on May 20th, so that we have enough time to plan and take action.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Is the note taking important? Why?

First, before I tell my story, watch this video:

Do you agree on this video? Why, or why not? I agree on this video. Note taking will be very helpful for us to memorize things and record them. Also, note taking is very important skill because if we don't, we can't record things accurately. When we're on field trips, taking notes is very good idea to help us remember details later!

P.S: For modern times, we are using many different strategies to remember than only note taking. We have cameras (to record a video or take pictures), electric devices, recorder, etc. When this video was taken, recording by cameras and recorders with high quality as modern times would be scarce cases.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Learning Profiles and Attitudes

I chose 1 attitude and 1 learner profile I used today: Creativity and Thinker. These two attitude and learner profile was used in same thing; designing the Team Logo in Visual Art class. I used my creativity to design a good logo which is stylish and has meanings. Also, I thought about ways to place images on the logo and what picture I should use.
I chose 1 attitude and 1 learner profile I want to use for this week: empathy and communicator. Today we had a problem because two different perspectives had different understanding about the issue. I couldn't understand the opposite side, because what they told us didn't make sense to me, but I think I should empathize with others so that there are less problems happening. Also, that problem occurred because we sort of pass the message uncertainly, so I have to work on communication skills, too.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition-Again

Do you remember when I posted the 'Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition' before? I'm going to post it again, with different checks, of course. It's only few days since then, but I'd like to see my changes? Do you?

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition

What will discussion sound like in Grade 5?
  • We will use English in our groups UNLESS we need to translate the meaning of a word or phrase that needs clarification or elaboration.
  • Then we will remember to switch back to English once we have clarified or elaborated our ideas.
  • In partners, we will use English.
  • When we are thinking solo we can use either English or Korean/Chinese.
  • In teams, we will use English for all conversation unless we are clarifying the meaning of something.

Weekly self-assessment for language usage (Put an X next to your answer.)
This week I was able to use English and Korean/Chinese as per the class expectations.
  • Yes
  • Mostly X
  • Not always
The part that was most difficult for me to do was:
  • Class discussion X
  • Teams in English
  • Pairs in English
  • Solo in English
  • Switch back after using Korean/Chinese
Strategies I used this week:
  • I used Korean/Chinese when I:
    • Asked a question X
    • Expressed an idea X
    • Clarified a word X
    • Clarified a phrase X
    • Elaborated my ideas X
    • Took notes
    • Worked in a team X
    • Worked in a pair X
    • Worked alone
    • Joked around X
    • Had social conversation X
  • I used English when I:
    • Asked a question X
    • Expressed an idea X
    • Clarified a word X
    • Clarified a phrase X
    • Elaborated my ideas X
    • Took notes X
    • Worked in a team X
    • Worked in a pair X
    • Worked alone
    • Joked around X
    • Had social conversation

Look at your goal from last week. Did you accomplish your goal this week? What did you do that helped you accomplish it? or Should you have done to better meet your goal?
Unfortunately, no, because I still use Korean for lot of times than English.
This week I am most proud of:
Reading a book and finding out that I've improved my reading, vocabulary and understanding skills from the start of the year to this week.
Next week my goal is:
Since I couldn't achieve my goal from last week, I think I should work on my first goal again.

It seems like I hadn't improve much, but I'll try harder next week to be much better than this week!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Who Do You Think You Are?

Do you see the picture above? Yes, they have same appearances, but are they doing same thing, too? No. One is lying on the ground, one is playing with the rope, one looks greedy, and etc. Which one do you think you're most similar with? For me, I think it's the one who's putting his (or her, maybe) arm around the other's shoulder at the right side of the tree. Suyeon might disagree with this(Maybe), but I think I am in my opinion. Unlike others, I think we didn't have even small argument like 'This is better! I don't think so. It is! No!' or something. We're deciding something with 50% of Suyeon's idea and 50% of my idea. We're respecting each others do things together.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry

In every 6 transdisciplinary themes in every years, there are different central ideas and lines of inquiries. We also made our group's central idea-since we chose our transdisciplinary themes. When I didn't learn how to make the central idea, I thought it would be easy. Well, at least making the lines of inquiries was easy, but the real hard thing was making the central idea. It was hard to show 3 key concepts through one sentence. The central idea and lines of inquiries that our teachers made was cool and hard(well, we sometimes take hard as good, don't we?), but what we made seemed imperfect. But I think this is good enough-it's what Suyeon and I made after long discussion!

We made our group name, too. We had many different ideas about that-P.L(Prerequisite Learnings), PLAK(Prerequisite Learning Academies Korea), PLAIK(Prerequisite Learning Academies In Korea), etc. But we finally decided to name our group K.A.I (read as Kai), meaning Korean Academies Issues. Suyeon says it's the name of the bad guy in Kung Fu Panda 3, and she still talks about it whenever I say the word K.A.I.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

More Important Thing

Now, what do you think the next thing that students would be most interested at? It's the topic that the groups are going to work on. Suyeon and I had same topics in the survey that our teachers gave(it asked for top 3 topics that we wanted to work on, and it was before the group was decided.): Korean Academies and Colonization(slavery). We decided to choose Korean Academy as our topic. There was one other group that chose the same topic as ours(it doesn't mean that they copied ours or something), and I didn't like having something same as others since I was young. I thought it wasn't unique. That was same for Suyeon, too, so we sort of thought about changing to the other topic, but it was too late for us to change. Now, it's already like this, so I'm going to try my best for my Exhibition Project.

Image for Korean Academy-our topic:

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Group is Decided!

What do you think students want to know most when they start Exhibition? It's the group members. If you get into the group with people who are bossy, stubborn, selfish or whatever, then it's hard to do get through the process of Exhibition. We found out that we can be in the group of two, and my partner was... TA-DA! It's Suyeon! Fortunately, the person that I really hated to be in the same group was not with me, and I am really, really, really, REALLY-satisfied with my group member. We made our own Essential Agreements, and Group Shield. Also, we are going to decide-or can be decided by teacher(I don't know!)-our issue, the topic. The actual Exhibition starts from now on. Let's do our best, friends!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition
I think like this:
What will discussion sound like in Grade 5?
  • We will use English in our groups UNLESS we need to translate the meaning of a word or phrase that needs clarification or elaboration.
  • Then we will remember to switch back to English once we have clarified or elaborated our ideas.
  • In partners, we will use English.
  • When we are thinking solo we can use either English or Korean/Chinese.
  • In teams, we will use English for all conversation unless we are clarifying the meaning of something.

Weekly self-assessment for language usage (Put an X next to your answer.)
This week I was able to use English and Korean/Chinese as per the class expectations.
  • Yes
  • Mostly X
  • Not always
The part that was most difficult for me to do was:
  • Class discussion
  • Teams in English
  • Pairs in English
  • Solo in English
  • Switch back after using Korean/Chinese X
Strategies I used this week:
  • I used Korean/Chinese when I:
    • Asked a question X
    • Expressed an idea X
    • Clarified a word X
    • Clarified a phrase X
    • Elaborated my ideas X
    • Took notes
    • Worked in a team X
    • Worked in a pair X
    • Worked alone X
    • Joked around X
    • Had social conversation
  • I used English when I:
    • Asked a question X
    • Expressed an idea X
    • Clarified a word X
    • Clarified a phrase X
    • Elaborated my ideas X
    • Took notes X
    • Worked in a team X
    • Worked in a pair X
    • Worked alone X
    • Joked around X
    • Had social conversation

This week I am most proud of:
I'm proud of the conversations in English that I had every day, and how I managed to understand and respond to others.
Next week my goal is:
I should try to use English than Korean when I can. Sometimes, I just use Korean to say something easier, but actually I could use English to say that.