Sunday, May 15, 2016

Upcoming Field Trip

Thursday and Friday of the following week are the days when Suyeon and I go on field trips. (Well, we decided to divide the day when we go field trip, because it's too complicated to visit all the academies on one day.) When we were told that there would be field trip upcoming until now(before Exhibition), I was excited. But this time, it's a bit different. I'm a bit... worried than feeling excited. I am worried about how field trip would be like, whether we're going to get the informations that we wanted or not, would I be able to manage the field trip, and etc. Actually, I'm stressed. (Don't know why!) I suddenly feel tired when I think of Exhibition field trip, action... well, anything related to Exhibition. Even though I say to myself 'It'll be fine, everything will be under your control.' over and over, I'm still nervous. Why is it so different from the field trips that teachers prepared for us?


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