Saturday, April 23, 2016

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition
I think like this:
What will discussion sound like in Grade 5?
  • We will use English in our groups UNLESS we need to translate the meaning of a word or phrase that needs clarification or elaboration.
  • Then we will remember to switch back to English once we have clarified or elaborated our ideas.
  • In partners, we will use English.
  • When we are thinking solo we can use either English or Korean/Chinese.
  • In teams, we will use English for all conversation unless we are clarifying the meaning of something.

Weekly self-assessment for language usage (Put an X next to your answer.)
This week I was able to use English and Korean/Chinese as per the class expectations.
  • Yes
  • Mostly X
  • Not always
The part that was most difficult for me to do was:
  • Class discussion
  • Teams in English
  • Pairs in English
  • Solo in English
  • Switch back after using Korean/Chinese X
Strategies I used this week:
  • I used Korean/Chinese when I:
    • Asked a question X
    • Expressed an idea X
    • Clarified a word X
    • Clarified a phrase X
    • Elaborated my ideas X
    • Took notes
    • Worked in a team X
    • Worked in a pair X
    • Worked alone X
    • Joked around X
    • Had social conversation
  • I used English when I:
    • Asked a question X
    • Expressed an idea X
    • Clarified a word X
    • Clarified a phrase X
    • Elaborated my ideas X
    • Took notes X
    • Worked in a team X
    • Worked in a pair X
    • Worked alone X
    • Joked around X
    • Had social conversation

This week I am most proud of:
I'm proud of the conversations in English that I had every day, and how I managed to understand and respond to others.
Next week my goal is:
I should try to use English than Korean when I can. Sometimes, I just use Korean to say something easier, but actually I could use English to say that.


  1. I like your picture. I am also same as you. I have hard to change korean to english

  2. Sorry, I had an error and couldn't fix it, so the fonts and the sizes will all be different. Please understand it!
