Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Second Day of Exhibition

           Ah, the second day of 63 days! Nothing really happened today related to Exhibition, so I'm going to write about one of the attitudes. Commitment. Do you think that commitment will be an important attitude for us to have during Exhibition (and the other times of our life)? Well, for me, yes. Certainly.
           Do you know what kind of person I really hate to do a group work with? It is a person who is lazy, not paying attention and not doing what they're supposed to do. But most importantly, a person who gives up easily because it's hard and challenging. Now, to organize the definition of commitment, it means we try hard, not give up though there is a problem and be concentrated on one thing. Yeah, it's pretty different from the characteristics that 'person-who-I-hate' has. Commitment will help us when we meet a problem or take something hard. Also, we would be focused on tasks than things we want to do when we have commitment. For these reasons, I think commitment is an important attitude that we should have during Exhibition.

P.S: We're doing a Exhibition Overnight Experience tomorrow. I'm so excited and curious about it! Yeah!!!!

Digital image. SoftPMO. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.


  1. It interesting to see 'Ah, the second day of 63 days!' because I don't know about it.

  2. Heesung,
    I also did not know there were 63 days in the exhibition. It seems like so many days, but I know they will go quickly with all the learning we will be doing.

    1. Also, great job using the MLA format for citing your picture. Way to go above the expectations.
