Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Staying in School for Extra 4 and a Half Hours

Today, I stayed in school after 3:30 because I had to Ensemble with others. When the ensemble practice was finished, I went to Visual Art class to work on 2D display with Christine and Yeeun. I stayed until about 8 o'clock, and I finished about twice of what we have done until now. After working so hard, I feel really proud of myself. I still have to do some work tomorrow after school, but now I'm a bit relieved than yesterday. I hope I can finish everything tomorrow.



  1. Wow, eight o'clock!! That's really late. I was at school until five o'clock. I think there are so many things to do...

  2. I was having a hard time too. So, our team work until 7:00pm to finish our display.
