Saturday, June 4, 2016

My Lesson Practice-Horrible!

We did a presenting practice on Friday, and to organize my (or our) practice with one word, it was HORRIBLE. I can't even pick one thing that went well. But to choose really really small thing, it was when everyone looked at me when I clapped five times. I think I should use it again on the actual practice. To choose things that didn't go well, there are loooooooooots of things. First, the TV didn't work. We prepared 'See, Think, Wonder' thinking routine, and it took so much time to show each person the picture! That is not my present biggest worry. The most serious problem is that our presentation was boring! Well, part of it is because the most boring part took so much time, but my presentation plan was also boring. Boring, boring, BORING! I'm still thinking of what can make our presentation fun.
P.S: I don't see why I have to put something for audiences to move around in the room. Yes, it might be fun, but events that people can do while they're sitting is also fun too. And to express our idea really well, there is nothing better than words!

Photo: ('The Scream' of Edvard Munch)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Staying in School for Extra 4 and a Half Hours

Today, I stayed in school after 3:30 because I had to Ensemble with others. When the ensemble practice was finished, I went to Visual Art class to work on 2D display with Christine and Yeeun. I stayed until about 8 o'clock, and I finished about twice of what we have done until now. After working so hard, I feel really proud of myself. I still have to do some work tomorrow after school, but now I'm a bit relieved than yesterday. I hope I can finish everything tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Yesterday, I had many many things, including homework, to finish until today. But maybe about 5 o'clock, I felt really tired and exhausted and sleepy (I don't know why) and I just collapsed on the bed. When I woke up, it was today morning! I couldn't finish Korean homework, blog and forgot to plug macbook charger! That's why I'm posting this writing today. I think I'm crazy... How can I sleep on the day when I have so many things to do?!


Monday, May 30, 2016

Negative and Positive

If I think of our group's progress of Visual Art, there are both negative and positive way. First, if I think of it in negative way, then I think it's too little amount of progress. Now we have only 4 days to finish, but we only have about 22% of display is done. It only increases my worries, stresses and also make me to feel tired and nervous. However, if I think that we've made lot more progress than others, then it makes me to feel better, because it reminds me that we're not behind. I think this is the difference between positive thinking and negative thinking.


Sunday, May 29, 2016

My Incredible Sister

            After feeling all the stresses of Exhibition, I can finally understand my older sister's eyes that looked me like I'm crazy when I said 'I'm so excited about Exhibition!' when I was in Grade 4. I might have behaved the same if I had a younger sister who said something like that. Since I started talking about my sister, this time, I'll talk about my sister(I can't tell you that I don't have anything to write).
             My sister's brain seemed empty, because she just said "I don't know,", "How do I know?" or "Well..." when I asked something. But so far, I feel like my sister is cool, awesome and even incredible. In my point of view, she looked perfectly fine during Exhibition (though my mom says that she was tremendously stressed, too,) and also STEM fair, which is something similar to Exhibition in Middle School. And it also seemed like she even had lots of spare time, because she read some comic books, played with me and did all sort of other things.
             Anyway, the conclusion is that her brain seemed empty but now she looks incredible after knowing the stresses that Exhibition gives. So I don't want to accept, but I think it's true that she's awesome.

P.S: To my sister- I'm sorry if this post offended you.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Plan for Last 1 Week

Since we only have 1 week to finish all the things related to Exhibition, here is the list for me to finish before next Friday(June 3rd):
  • Drama/Music
  • Art 2D/3D Design
  • Essay
  • Script
  • Presentation Plan
  • Action(We finished it today)
  • etc.
And think, you should finish this in one week! So I'm going to finish my essay in my house(because it can be done in 2 hours or 2 and a half hours), simplify the script as much as you can like a process guide, record the drama (skit) piece in recess, organize the presentation plan by schedule line during weekend and share it on Monday with Suyeon, and finally try my best to take a lot of time for Visual art. (For 'etc.', of course I'll work on it in my house. Also, don't ask 'What's 'etc.'?' Because I don't know, too.) Even though I have this plan, I don't think this will actually work. Maybe not enough time. I wish, desperately, there is just a week more to work on Exhibition. Not a month, not a year, just 7 days! I can't believe that we once played in Exhibition time because we didn't know what to do. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New Knowledge

I've been attending BHA for 3 and a (almost) half years, and one thing that is still challenging for me is... printer. No matter how many times I learn, whom I learn it from or what way I learn it, I kept forgetting and forgetting about 'How To Print'. It didn't even pass one month after the day when I finally mastered how to print a simple A4 design from the school's printing machine. But today, I had to face different problem. it had to be bigger:which means I had to print it on A3 paper. I tried;but it ended up with disappointment, because the image was still in the size of A4 even though the paper was A3. But now I know how to print designs in size of A3. You can change 'A4' into 'A3' where it says 'paper size' and check in the box which says 'fit to scale'. Then print!!! I hope there are lots to do with this knowledge.
