Thursday, February 25, 2016

Inner Beauty But Not Outer Beauty-Lizzie Velasquez

             If we look at the media, such as newspaper or an article, we see a supermodel who has pretty faces and skinny body and say 'Wow, she's really beautiful.' When we do that, we are looking at her appearance, the outer beauty. However, the real beautiful person is someone who has inner beauty, such as personalities. This writing will explain about the most beautiful person in the world that I think;Lizzie Velasquez.
             You might have heard her name. She is known as 'The Ugliest Person in the World'. Lizzie has a really rare disease that only 2 out of 7,000,000,000 people all around the world have, including herself. Everyone wanted to be away from her only because she looked different from them.
             When she was 17 years old, she saw a youtube video that showed her photo for 8 seconds and was really shocked. To make it worse, the comments said things like these: 'kill it with fire', 'why did her parents let her grow?', etc. She began to hate herself, but she overcame it by her parents and others' help. Also, she decided to do her best to help people who has similar situation: teased and bullied by their appearances.
            If I was her, I would have spent the rest of my life suffering with the pains, thinking 'How can I help someone when I'm bullied? Why did the God gave me this horrible face?'. But what Lizzie did was different than what I thought. She thought like 'Yeah, I'm the ugliest woman in the world. SO WHAT? I have nothing wrong with my life, and my appearance is not related to my ability.'
            Remember, your appearances have nothing to do with your ability and your personality. Being ugly doesn't mean that you are different with others. Your looks are something like shells. More important thing is how shiny your jewel inside is. Lizzie Velasquez said, 'Am I gonna let the people who called me a monster define me? No. I'm gonna let my goals and my success and my accomplishments be the things that define me.'

Thursday, February 18, 2016

My Opinion About a Headline of an Article

          In this piece of writing, I want to say my opinion toward one headline of an article. It says '132 Super-Cute Outfit Ideas from Kendall and Kylie Jenner'.
          I don't know who Kendall and Kylie Jenner are, but I think this headline is trying to persuade people to follow these outfits. It's not directly saying 'Follow these ideas;they look great' or kind of forcing the readers to wear those outfits, but if they say 'super-cute', then ideas such as 'Oh, maybe classmates will like me if I follow these outfit ideas.' or 'I'll look really fashionable if I try these.' come up inside our head. In my opinion, this headline is pretty good as a title of an article;it's persuasive, kind of interesting and it also make me to read that article. However, if that article get popular and everyone follows that fashion, then there would be no unique fashions in the school other than the ideas in that article.

Friday, February 12, 2016

My Proudest Moment of My Life

            Think of the moments when you were proud of yourself. Maybe you got some awards or compliments, maybe you achieved your goal... but what was your proudest moment? My proudest moment was when I got the award after concours.
            I played cello, and I had only one rival (I can't understand why there are only few people who play cello compared to violin or piano). But even though there were only 2 competitors, it didn't mean that both of them got awards unrelated to their talent. There are standards of scores for getting awards, so if you get less score than those standards, then you can not get awards.
            When I played, I made lots of mistakes;because of the anxiety or fear, maybe. So I didn't even expected some awards. To make things worse, the boy who was against me played the same music with me! And I think he learned cello longer than me, because he used some challenging techniques and he seemed he've been doing concours many times. Anyway, as I said before, I didn't even think about awards. But my cello teacher, who was there at that moment, told me to stay there until they tell people who got awards.
           When suddenly people got louder, I realized that judges announced who got awards or not. I went straight to where judges stuck paper that tells the award and the names of people who got them. I found my name at the participation prize corner. Yeah! You might think 'Ah, it's just a participation prize! It's not golden prize or silver prize.' But you know, I learned cello for only 1 year and 3 months when I got that participation award. I am still proud of the award every time I see that on the shelf.

For those of you who wonder what award the boy got: he got the silver prize.