Monday, January 18, 2016

What Movie Character Best Represents Me?

          When you're watching a movie, did you ever think the character in the movie is similar to yourself a lot? Maybe she/he does something same as you do, or they feel same as you do. I thought of that idea for a lot of time, but the character that BEST represents me is Amy, the youngest sister of 'Little Women'. The reason why I'm similar to her is because Amy and I both act like a baby when we want something and others don't do it for us. She and I only have older sister(s) and no younger sisters or brothers. Also, maybe it's because we're both younger sisters, but we are immature most of the time. Amy wants to be like the older sisters and want to have privileges that they have, and I do the same. It's so cool that there's a character who has same characteristics that I have!
Amy of Little Women